Our little brown beast got chomped at dog day care.
This is her wound.

Last night she was the epitome of pathetic. She wouldn't sit down, or lie down. She just stood with her head and ears down, staring at us. I was hoping she was at least partially acting that way because of the cone around her head, but when we took it off she just kept staring at us. She didn't even try to bite at her staples. I'm sure she was hurting. Occasionally she would try to sit, but then would pop right back up. It was very sad. With lots of pain killers, snuggles, and ice packs she eventually relaxed and went to sleep.

Tonight, she appeared to be completely over it. She was chipper, and very busy figuring out how to enjoy the evening with a cone around her head. It took her a few minutes, but at one point tonight she figured out how to scoop a dirty sock up into her cone so she could chew it. I almost felt bad taking it from her after she worked so hard to get it (while I watched and laughed). In the (fuzzy) photo below, Rudy and Leia are trying to figure out how to mouth-wrastle in spite of the cone (and without getting into trouble).

And now as I type this, Leia's coned head is peacefully resting in my lap.
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