There are some things that only someone who grew up with you will know. Emily knows a lot of those kinds of things about me. She and I became attached at the hip right around age 5. We live about 3,000 miles apart now, but we're still very close. For my last birthday Em sent a birthday card that referenced one of those things that only a childhood friend would know--my most favorite joke at age 13. I *loved* that joke way beyond age 13 and told it often. I actually still think it's funny, but I don't tell it anymore. I think it's the kind of joke that can only be your favorite joke when you are an adolescent. Anyway, here it is:

And here's the punchline:

That is my kind of joke! And the happy, upside-down, dead monkey was an absolutely perfect addition. Thanks for blast from the past Em!
Thanks for the info from the past Em!! I bet that had you smiling for days.
Oh, I was smiling, for many days. I can still picture Spaceranger in her jr. bridesmaid's dress telling me that joke!
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