Monday, February 23, 2009


Years and years ago I used to ocassionally entertain myself by thinking up ideas for making cakes shaped liked various objects and animals. I didn't ever actually make any of the cakes I thought up, I just enjoyed thinking about it. Recently I happened upon a website full of birthday cake ideas that got me thinking about cakes made into interesting shapes again. Right around the same time I was planning a trip to Georgia to visit my culinary-disaster-creating partner-in-crime, Emily. Before arriving in Georgia I informed Emily that I wanted to make a cake while I was there. She was of course fully up for the challenge. After I made it to Georgia we discovered that there was an Ace of Cakes marathon on the Food Network. It was obviously meant to be! We watched for inspiration and soon it became clear that we would be making a fondant covered cake--a first for both of us. (Fondant is the stuff that makes professional cakes look unnaturally smooth.) After deciding that the cake would be covered in fondant we searched the intertubes for further inspiration and found turtles!

Turtle number 2 before we gave him skin:

The fruit of our inspired labor:

We made a whole family!

My craving to make-a-cake-shaped-like-something was fully satisfied.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely the cutest!!!!!!!! So how do you make fondant?